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Neurological Rehabilitation

02 Jul 2024 댓글 0개

Stroke - a catastrophe that destroys the brain's information transmission network.

The brain is a bustling city of interconnected neurons and signalling networks, based on which the brain is responsible for all bodily functions. But stroke destroys the city of the brain, and how can it be restored?

A stroke is when a blood vessel in the brain bursts or is blocked, resulting in poor blood flow. It is like a city where supply lines are cut off, streets are blocked, and neurons are not supplied with the oxygen and energy they need to survive. Strokes occur when neurons die in large numbers, causing the city of the brain to go without food and water, leaving the city in ruins.


Types of stroke

  • Haemorrhagic stroke - rupture of a blood vessel in the brain
  • Ischaemic stroke - Scenario 1: embolism blocking a blood vessel
  • Ischaemic Stroke - Scenario 2: Atherosclerosis causing narrowing of vascular pathways


After a stroke, the damaged area can no longer function normally, and the corresponding functions of the area can no longer be carried out normally, and various kinds of disorders will occur, such as not being able to walk, not being able to speak, not being able to feel heat or cold, etc.


Neurological remodelling - building a new transmission network for post-disaster reconstruction

Strokes cause great damage, but more unfortunately, neurons that die in a "stroke disaster" cannot be regenerated, so can the damaged functions be restored?


Ischemic penumbra

The shock was relatively small in the periphery of the casualty core, where the neuronal population was in a coma, known as the "Ischemic penumbra". If blood flow can be restored in time, the neurons in the Ischemic penumbra may be resuscitated and return to normal. This is why it is important to save the neurons after a stroke.


However, the number of neurons recovered from the ischemic semi-dark zone is not enough to compensate for the loss of dead neurons, and the brain's unique technique, "neuroremodeling", is used to restore the neurons.


Most of the surviving neurons are still in a coma after the disaster and need to be awakened by external stimulation. Rehabilitation is good stimulation method to effectively wake up the neurons, and the waking neurons then embark on the difficult journey of neuroremodeling.

"To rebuild my home, my strength alone is not enough, where are my little friends?"

"You've woken up too, let's come together and build the home together!"

"Come on, let's form new synaptic connections with them through a series of biochemical reactions, rebuild the streets and alleys of our city, revive our communication network, and promote the restoration of the city's functions."

And so, neuron after neuron awakened by the rehab stimulus reconnected to rebuild the destroyed city back to its original function.


But is that enough? No, it's still not enough. Neuroremodeling doesn't happen overnight, it needs to be ongoing. How do you whip the neurons into a constant state of neuroremodeling? This requires constant stimulation. Continuous rehabilitation is a very good way to strengthen the neural networks in the brain and gradually restore the lost functions by performing a lot of correct rehabilitation exercises.


To sum up, although the casualties of nerve cells caused by stroke are irreversible, we can start rehabilitation training as early as possible with the ability of nerve cells to "neuroremodeling", and persist in the rehabilitation training to rebuild the information transmission network in the brain, so as to promote the remodelling of the function of the nervous system, and to gradually restore the previous function.

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